
How can we enhance our 理解ing of ACF programs?

Sharing information about ACF programs and communities they serve


The 儿童和家庭管理 (ACF) administers over 60 programs to promote the economic and social well-being of communities across the US. Rigorous evaluation of these programs ensures they can efficiently and effectively serve the children, 家庭, 以及参与其中的个人.

规划办公室, 研究, and Evaluation (OPRE) researches these programs and policies, 寻求探索, 理解, and advance analytic methods that enhance rigor in government research and evaluation. The advancement of research methods ensures high-quality, 值得信赖的, and robust findings that better inform our 理解ing of ACF programs and the communities they serve and improve program administration and effectiveness. People researching government programs need access to information and expertise on emerging or otherwise important methodologies.


趣赢平台 supports OPRE’s efforts for methodological advancement with extensive expertise in event coordination and policy 分析. Our team planned the annual OPRE Methods Meeting from 2015 to 2023, 包括识别潜在的专家演讲者, 与物流供应商协调, 管理分包合同. This work brought together experts across disciplines and sectors to explore innovations in research design, 分析技术, 数据测量.

趣赢平台 also developed communication products to disseminate findings and best practices generated from the Methods Meetings. 趣赢平台 successfully completed this work through Methods Meetings and the facilitation of the ASPE Evidence Day Meeting held in 2021 to support the implementation of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018.

趣赢平台 developed technical assistance materials to support the evaluation capacity of human services programs. Our team of policy and evaluation experts updated OPRE’s Program Manager’s Guide to Evaluation by identifying and consulting with relevant partners about the guide’s strengths and opportunities for improvement. 趣赢平台 developed additional technical assistance resources based on the opportunities for improvement, including briefs on engaging community representation and centering equity in program evaluation.


This project informed future research centered on human services programs. The work promoted innovative research and improved our 理解ing of rigorous analytic methods, 从而获得更高质量的数据收集, 分析, 和发现. The project encouraged evaluators to center community voice and equity at all stages of research to enhance the research’s robustness and rigor and ensure research on human services programs is driven by the people most affected by them.

This project was completed by Insight Policy 研究 before acquisition by 趣赢平台.





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